Library Account
Your library account is accessible via the online catalogue. From your account, you can view the following:
- borrowed items
- requested and reserved items
- return dates for borrowed items
- overdue fines
How do you access your library account?
- Start from the online catalogue
- Log in with your library user number and your library password
- Select My Details > Account Summary
All borrowing activities require your library user number and Library Password .
- HM Students - library user number (Benutzernummer) is located on the reverse side of your HM student ID.
- HM Staff/Employees - library user number located on HM card. Guest Users - library user number located on library card.

All borrowing activities require your library user number and personal password.
You are given a personal password comprising of numbers representing the day and month of your birth (DDMM).
When you log in to your OPAC account for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password.
This also applies when borrowing from the shelf-checkout terminals and using ezAccess.
If you should forget your password, please use the link 'Forgot your Password?', accessible via the OPAC login page. HM students will receive a new password via their HM email account. The password is valid until you change it.
Remember: If you have changed your password in the OPAC, it is necessary to log in again to activate the new password for ezAccess and the self-checkout terminal. Do not select, 'Full Access to eMedia via Remote Access', but instead one of the branch libraries.
We inform you, without responsibility, per email. HM students automatically receive email notifications, but other users will need to notify the library or provide the information in their OPAC User Account. You may give two different email addresses.
An email is automatically generated and sent in the following cases:
- requested item is available to be collected
- interlibrary loan item is available to be collected
- as a Friendly Reminder to remind users their library materials are soon due (Only via email and without guarantee)
- a reservation has been placed on a borrowed item
- a reserved item is available to be collected
The library assumes no liability for the delivery of emails.
An overdue fine notice is sent per post/mail.
Friendly Reminders are sent as an email to remind borrowers their library materials are soon due. Service is without guarantee.
HM students will automatically receive reminders via their ‘’ email account. Other users can receive this service by providing their email address in their OPAC account.