Discovery Service Primo
Search for scholarly content from professional journals, contributions from anthologies, and various full-text open access publications.
In our Discovery Service PRIMO, you can search for articles from professional journals, contributions from collections and various open access publications. Moreover, our general collection (also found in our OPAC) is integrated into the search service.
You will have immediate access to full-text articles provided they are either licenced or freely accessible through us. Access to the licenced compliant content is made possible through our ezAccess service. Before you reach the search interface, you must log in with your library user number and password.
Unfortunately, Guest Users are not allowed access to our licenced materials.
Integrated into PRIMO are many of our subject databases, but not all. Because PRIMO does not evaluate some important databases, we suggest primarily students in lower semesters use the search service.
Databases NOT integrated into PRIMO:
- Statista
- RSWB Plus
- Beck-online
- Juris Spektrum
- Perinorm
- SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts)

Integrate the content in PRIMO when conducting a search in the OPAC.
- Enter a query in OPAC. Under 'Database Selection', select the option 'Articles & More'.
- On the 'Results' page, click on the third tab (Articles & more) to find the PRIMO content.