LibKey - one-click access to scholarly articles

Now available from the library – LibKey. This AI-powered technology delivers the fastest, most reliable, and status-aware access to scholarly articles, and helps avoid broken links and paywall dead-ends.
LibKey Nomad is a safe, secure, and privacy-protecting browser plugin that is provided to you free of charge by your library. Nomad will activate on scholarly websites like Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia, and hundreds of publisher websites to quickly connect you to full text.
Simply go to Nomad's publisher, Third Iron, select your browser, and within seconds you’ll have access to millions of research articles on the web.
Configuration is easy: under „Select Organization“ choose „Hochschule München“.
Found a DOI (or PMID)? Put it into
LibKey's DOI Lookup service gets you to the full text.
What is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique identifier assigned to articles on publisher websites. Its purpose is to ensure that the content can be easily found and accessed, even if web addresses change. It acts as a reliable and consistent tag that facilitates the location and referencing of online resources. DOIs are widely used in academic and professional settings as they provide a stable link to scholarly articles and other digital content.
Example: 10.1186/s12898-019-0263-7 or
What is a PubMed Identifier (PMID)?
A PubMed Identifier, also known as a PMID, is a unique number assigned to an article in the PubMed database, a popular resource for biomedical and life sciences literature. This number acts like a digital fingerprint, making it easy for researchers, students, and healthcare professionals to identify and locate a particular article. The PMID is a useful tool for quickly referencing a specific study or paper in the vast amount of medical literature available on PubMed.