Borrow, Renew, Request
Here you will find information on borrowing, reserving and renewing library items, requesting books from our branch libraries, and additional related procedures.
User Type | Number of Borrowed Media (max. at one time) |
Students | 20 |
Professors | 50 |
Employees, Research Employees | 30 |
Students with 'Special Privilege' status: bachelor or master's thesis | 30 |
People with disability (at least 50% degree) | 30 |
Guest User | 10 |
Cannot be borrowed: -Reference copies: can only be used in the library (marked with a red label on the spine, 'nicht ausleihbar') -Items from the Semester Course Reserve collection -Current year, unbound, professional journals (in the Branch Library Pasing and Karlstrasse older unbound journals can be borrowed) -Textbooks from the Central Library with the label 'Semesterausleihe' (only our students can borrow) |
When you are writing your bachelor's or master's thesis at MUAS, the library is there to support you by granting special borrowing privileges. These borrowing privileges are also available to individuals with a 50% or more degree of disability.
Special Privileges
Please Note: Other users may place a reservation on a borrowed item. In this case, the due date may not be extended (renewed) and you will have to return the item at the end of the loan period. If an interlibrary loan (ILL) has been recalled by the owning library, the item needs to be returned within 5 days or an overdue fine will be applied to your account.
What do I need to do?
- For prospective HM Bachelor's and Master's students, complete the form provided in the brochure Bestätigungsformular (In German Only). Please clearly print, in block letters (capital letters), the requested information and have your Erstkorrektor (professor for your thesis) sign the form. Next, personally give the form to the library staff member at the Circulation Desk (Ausleihtheke). Forms are also available in the library at the Circulation Desk.
- Students and guest users with a disability need to present their disability card/certificate at the Circulation Desk.
When am I eligible for these privileges?
Borrowing privileges start from the day to which we assign the ‘special status’ to your user account. All items on your account (borrowed before the change of status) will not automatically receive the new status. These items will need to be returned and borrowed again.
Bachelor's/Master's: the privileges end on the thesis submission date stated in the completed form. If the deadline for your paper is extended, you will need to complete a new form, with a new signature from the Erstkorrektor (professor for your thesis) and give it to a member of library staff.
People with a disability: please bring in your disability certificate/card. These privileges are valid until your library card expires.
Publishing Your Thesis
Consider publishing your bachelor's or master’s thesis in electronic format on the Publication server and therefore making it available to other students. Please contact our team .
It is also possible to contribute your thesis in print form. Please provide your work with the form that authorises your bachelor's or master’s thesis to be accessible in the library. Forms are obtainable from your departmental secretary, library staff, or by printing out the PDF at the following link, Einverstaendniserklaerung. (In German Only)
We wish you much success!
Load Period | Renewable? | ||
Books Theses DVDs und CDs | 4 weeks | 4x (Guest: 2x) each for 4 weeks | |
Bound Professional Journals | 2 weeks | no | |
Professional Journals: current year issues | cannot borrow | ||
IMPORTANT! Requirement: to extend the loan period (renewal) there cannot be a reservation on the item by another library user. A renewal can only be made during the last week of the loan period. Renewing library items must be done by the library user via their library account in the OPAC. |
A renewal is not possible:
- per phone, email or contact form
- for items reserved by other users
- if you have received an overdue notice liable with costs for a different borrowed item
- for journals and semester long-term loans
Self-checkout terminals, which are used for borrowing library items, are found in all three libraries. It is necessary to use your student ID or guest library card and your library password. Should you have any problems with using a 'self-checkout terminal', please see the person at the circulation desk.
Each HM Library has a theft detection system to guard against theft of its library materials. If an item is not properly borrowed, an alarm will go off before a person exits the library area. Any attempted theft will be reported. It is possible for you to lose your rights to use the library, ABOB, Section 7, Article 26 (1).
Requests: Branch Libraries
Requests are made on items from any branch library via the OPAC. Reserves can only be placed on items that are available to borrow (max. 5 items - delivery in 2-3 days). A notice is sent via an email when the book(s) is available to collect.
Reservations are made on borrowed items via the OPAC (max. 5 items). A notice is sent via an email when the book(s) is available to collect.
***Remember: before you conduct a search in the OPAC it is important to choose the correct library branch from where you wish to collect the item(s). Requested and reserved items are sent to the branch they were ordered from. Unfortunately, we are unable to send items to a different library branch.
Home Delivery
Books, that are available at the HM Library can be sent via post to your house address. Copies of journal articles can be sent via post or fax. Unfortunately, we are unable to send items electronically due to copyright laws. There is a fee for this service.
We inform you, without responsibility, per email. HM students automatically receive email notifications, but other users will need to notify the library or provide the information in their OPAC User Account. You may give two different email addresses.
An email is automatically generated and sent in the following cases:
- requested item is available to be collected
- interlibrary loan item is available to be collected
- as a Friendly Reminder to remind users their library materials are soon due (Only via email and without guarantee)
- a reservation has been placed on a borrowed item
- a reserved item is available to be collected
The library assumes no liability for the delivery of emails.
An overdue fine notice is sent per post/mail.
When the loan period has expired, you must return borrowed library items. Items can be returned at any of three library branches.
- Central Library – automated book return is located on the street-side (ground floor), available 24 hours/7 days a week
- Branch Library Karlstraße – during library opening hours, items can be returned via the 'self-checkout' terminal. When the building is open, it is possible to return items via the 'locker-return' system located outside of the library.
- Branch Library Pasing – automated book return is located in the library entrance area, accessible during the semester until 10 pm when the building is locked
Friendly Reminder to Return Library Items
You are sent a 'Friendly Reminder', via your email account, when the loan period is soon to expire. This service is without a guarantee and does not release you from the obligation to pay attention to the timely return of your loans!
Borrowers are responsible for checking the condition of each item before borrowing and immediately reporting to staff any damages (e.g., stains, marks, wavy pages). If omitted, we assume each item is in perfect condition. The last borrower may be held responsible for all damages, ABOB, Section 2, Article 8. The library will determine the damage fee.
If you believe the library should have a particular book in its collection, then contact us.
If we decide to place an order, we will fill your request and notify you when the book is available for you to borrow. Should your suggestion be declined, you will receive notification.