Nautos(DIN, VDI Standards)
HM has a membership with DIN that allows authorised members of the University (professors, assistant professors, students and administrative staff) to print available DIN standards.
Guest Users have access to the DIN standards and guidelines, but printing is prohibited.
DIN Standards
HM is the official DIN entry point and has full-text access to the collection of valid DIN and draft standards. DIN Standards are available in electronic format via the database Nautos
VDI Standards
All valid VDI-Standards are available online for students/staff of the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences. VDI-Standards are accessible in electronic format via the database Nautos.
VDE Standards
The VDE-Standards are available online from the standard publisher VDE Verlag.It is not possible, and it is prohibited to save or print VDE standards.
DVGW Standards
The library provides access to DVGW Gas- und Wasser Regelwerk (In German Only).This includes all worksheets plus their drafts. DIN Standards are not included.
DWA Standards
The rules and regulations of the DWA - Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. (In German Only) are available via the Nautos database.