Open Access
As defined by the Berliner Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (PDF), the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM) would like you to assume social responsibility and allow free and unrestricted access to academic findings and structural advancements. The knowledge that is published in Open Access is available worldwide and without financial access limitations. For this purpose, HM has adopted its own Open Access Policy (PDF) (In German Only)
Open Access means free accessibility to scientific literature on the Internet. It includes all publications of scientific articles, but also books. The research findings reach across greater coverage and visibility.
With publishing under Open Access, authorisation is granted on the condition that the document can be read, downloaded, saved and printed. The copyrights remain with the author. The Creative Commons licenceclearly defines document usage.
For a more extensive overview of the arguments for and reservations about Open Access: Information on Open Access
Gold Open Access is described as the first publication in an OA journal or journal where the content is offered without cost. In most cases, there is a fee for the publication of an article in the journal. A list of such OA journals is in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Green Open Access means the publishing of already published documents as a second or parallel publication through a repository. These are often preprints or post-prints and not the publisher's version. The option is available to students and employees of the Hochschule München over the publications server HM Digital. Contractual terms agreed to for whether and under what conditions it is possible to publish the second publication are between you and the publisher. Detailed information about second publication rights are found in the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forshung (In German Only)
To support publishing in accordance with Open Access, agreements are made between publishers and libraries. These run under the name ‘Publish and Read’, but also include the DEAL contracts with Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley.
These agreements are intended to create transparent conditions for publishing in the form of Open Access. Members of the institutions participating in the agreements can generally publish in hybrid journals or at discounted prices in Gold Open Access journals without any financial outlay on their part.
More detailed information on DEAL can be found on the project website and on the website for authors.