Reserve A Study Space

HM students and employees can reserve a study space in the Central Library or in Branch Library Pasing. It is possible to choose an individual space in one of the large Reading Rooms, the Gallery (Central Library), or a small group study room.

General Information

  • Flexible, from 30 minutes to a whole day (during opening hours)
  • Max. of 3 reservations per day (provided the time does not overlap)
  • Study rooms (Central Library and Branch Library Pasing): one reservation per day for a max. 5 hours, max. 5 times per week
  • Study space can be reserved up to 6 days in advance
  • Study rooms are reserved by one person, group studying is possible in these rooms
  • In the Central Library, there are study spaces where no reservation is necessary. Keep to your seating number. (study space with a number= must be reserved, study space without a number= no reservation necessary)
  • Check-in at the circulation desk using reservation confirmation code (printed copy or from smart phone)
  • Please use the cancel option if you are not coming
  • Eating is not allowed in the library, drinks with screw-caps are allowed

Using Booking System

  • Carrels = individual study rooms
  • Lesesaal = Reading Room (large study area)
  • Galerie (Central Library) = Gallery





You must check-in within 30 minutes after the 'start' time of your reservation. If not, the reservation is canceled.